Do you know what children’s palliative care is?

Palliative care is aimed at relieving symptoms and improving quality of life

Health professionals must assess and alleviate a child's physical, psychological and social suffering

It begins when illness is diagnosed and continues regardless of whether or not a child receives treatment directed at the disease

Each child is unique. Each family is unique. An effective approach to children’s palliative care considers the biography, values and life experience of the child and their family

Casa Arara Azul was established to address the various challenges associated with pediatric palliative care.

Recognizing the need for such services in Brazil, we intend to inaugurate a specialized center in São Paulo (SP) to support children and their families during various moments of their illness journey.

Our goal is to promote comprehensive care, improved quality of life, and comfort for children and adolescents with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, alongside their families.

We'll provide specialized outpatient care, support groups, and inpatient services for patients with advanced illnesses. Additionally, short-term accommodation will be offered to stable patients with complex chronic conditions (respite care).

Our vision extends to becoming a hub for training and education in pediatric palliative care, while also fostering research and innovation in this critical field.