Fernanda holds a degree in Biology from the Faculty of Science of the University of Montpellier (France) and a degree in Nursing from the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo (Brazil). She also completed a postgraduate course in the Basis of Integrative Health at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Fernanda is the visionary behind Casa Arara Azul.
Lucia is an economist with a degree from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (São Paulo- Brazil) and a postgraduate qualification in Finance from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (São Paulo- Brazil). With extensive experience in business management and administrative and financial consultancy, she brings valuable expertise to the team.
Cintia graduated in Medicine from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), with a residency in Pediatrics and Pediatric Intensive Care from the University of São Paulo (USP). She has worked for over 10 years in pediatric intensive care units at reference hospitals in São Paulo. Her extensive experience with the suffering of children with serious and complex conditions led her to specialize in palliative care (Hospital Sírio Libanês) and in multidisciplinary pain assessment and treatment (HC-FMUSP). She has been working in pediatric palliative care since 2017.
Anarita is an administrator with a degree from the Jesuit University and UNISINOS (RS-Brazil) and an MBA in Strategic Planning and Management from ESPM (SP). With extensive experience in the health sector in Brazil and Latin America, she has led projects in both public and private sectors and worked as an executive in leading private hospitals such as Moinhos de Vento (RS) and Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (SP- Brazil).Currently works exclusively in healthcare institutions, as Mentor, Executive and Senior Advisor.
Loïs has been a nurse for nearly 25 years and holds a master's degree in mental health from l'Université du Québec. She worked as a nursing advisor in a centre of pediatric palliative care in Montreal, Canada. She has significant experience creating a healthy and caring work environment for children facing end of life and their families.
Laura graduated in Mathematics from Oxford University. With over 15 years of experience in strategy, innovation, and social impact, she serves as the Founder and CEO of Global Treehouse Foundation, where she works to increase access to children's palliative care. In previous roles at Social Finance UK and the Monitor Group, she led the launch and delivery of the first end of life care social impact bond and Insights for Care, a public-private sector research collaboration, finalist of the Prix Galien. Her thought leadership received coverage from the Wall Street Journal.
Thayná graduated in Nutrition from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and specialized in Paediatric Oncology through the Multiprofessional Residency Programme (UNIFESP - IOP/GRAACC). She works as a Clinical Nutritionist in the Intensive Care Unit and Preceptor in charge of the Multiprofessional Residency Programme in Pediatric Oncology (UNIFESP - IOP/GRAACC).
Clinical Board
Silvia holds a degree in Medicine and a residency in Pediatrics from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and doctorate in health sciences-pathology (USP). She is the coordinator of the Pain Management and Palliative Care Unit at the Children's Institute of the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Silvia is the President of the Scientific Department of Pain Management and Palliative Care of the São Paulo Pediatric Society, as well as the National Network of Pediatric Palliative Care. CRM 62559.
Ana Cristina holds a medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), with a residency in Thoracic Surgery at the Hospital das Clínicas (USP) and training in Palliative Care from the Sírio-Libanês Teaching and Research (2012). Over her 35-year professional career, caring for complex and critically ill patients of all ages, she has developed a unique perspective on human suffering, integrating competencies in Palliative Care education, team leadership, conflict management, and clinical decision-making in challenging scenarios. She has more than 12 years of experience in palliative care – both adult and pediatric. She coordinates the Multidisciplinary Palliative Care Team at Hospital Sírio-Libanês – São Paulo, and the Pediatric Palliative Care Specialization and Advanced Training courses at the Faculdade Sírio-Libanês. CRM: 62.220.
Melissa é oncologista pediátrica (ICr/USP e IOP-Graacc/UNIFESP) com treinamento adicional em Dor e Cuidados Paliativos Pediátricos (HC-FMUSP e ICR/USP), e especialização em Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (AMBA). Possui título de pós-graduação em Medicina Integrativa (IEP/Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein) juntamente com um diploma em Psicossíntese (Centro de Psicossíntese de São Paulo). Melissa atuou como chefe do serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica no Hospital Estadual Darcy Vargas e desempenhou um papel-chave no estabelecimento da Unidade de Pediatria Integrativa no ICr/USP. Além disso, atua como assessora médica para o Fleury no Hospital Sírio Libanês. CRM 93.075
Vivian is a physiotherapist graduated from the Universidade Bandeirantes de São Paulo, with a master's and doctorate in Health Sciences from the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC. Specialist in Pediatric, Neonatal, and Adult Intensive Care, with certification from Assobrafir/Crefito, she has more than 15 years of experience in Intensive Care Units and holds an MBA in Health Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. She has advanced training in Pediatric Palliative Care (Instituto da Criança, Faculty of Medicine, USP) and has been working in this field since 2016, aiming to ensure dignity, autonomy, and quality of life for patients with serious and life-threatening illnesses. Crefito 3/60955-F.
Patricia holds a degree in Nursing from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), a master's and doctorate from the School of Nursing at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), advanced training in Pediatric Palliative Care from Hospital Sírio-Libanês, and a postdoctoral degree from UFSCar in the field of Pediatric Palliative Care, anchored in the philosophy of child and family-centered care. She worked as an assistant nurse in Pediatric Oncology and is a member of the Faculty of Health Sciences Education at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz. She is also a guest professor in undergraduate and postgraduate nursing programs in Pediatric Nursing and Palliative Care at the Albert Einstein School of Health Sciences. COREN SP 0108755.
Vanessa holds a degree in Psychology from the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with specialization in Hospital Psychology from Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo and training in Palliative Care, Grief, and Attachment Theory. She has been working in these fields for 10 years, both in hospital settings and in clinical practice. CRP 06/93056.
Deliberative Board
Luciana is a lawyer specializing in Medical Law. She holds a PhD in Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine at UFMG and a master's degree in Private Law from PUCMinas. She is a professor in free courses and postgraduate programs in Law and Medicine at various educational institutions in Brazil. She is the author of dozens of scientific articles and books on palliative care, and dignity and autonomy at the end of life. For more than 15 years, she has dedicated herself to research, teaching, implementation, and dissemination of Palliative Care as a fundamental human right for all those suffering from life-threatening illnesses. She is the administrator of
Igor is a lawyer specializing in Medical Law. He holds a PhD in Law from UFPR and a master's degree in Legal Sciences, with specialization in Constitutional Civil Law from UFPB. He is also a Specialist in Medical Law from the Biomedical Law Center linked to the Universidade de Coimbra. He is a professor in the Medicine and Medical and Multidisciplinary residency programs, as well as in postgraduate programs in Medical Law.
Paula holds a degree in Medicine from the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, specializing in General Surgery (AMB) and Intensive Care (AMB and AMIB), with postgraduate studies in Palliative Care from Hospital Sírio-Libanês. She currently works in the Supportive and Palliative Care Team at Hospital Municipal Vila Santa Catarina/Einstein, is a clinical researcher, and has her own practice in palliative care.
Fernanda holds a degree in Biology from the Faculty of Science of the University of Montpellier (France) and a degree in Nursing from the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo (Brazil). She also completed a postgraduate course in the Basis of Integrative Health at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Fernanda is the visionary behind Casa Arara Azul.
Advisory Board
Lis is graduated in Literature and Nursing, specialist in Public Health, with PhD from the University of São Paulo (USP) and with post doctorate from the University of Strasbourg. She works as senior research scientist and full professor at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (São Paulo) with extensive experience in Pain Management research and leading planetary health projects to promote human well-being and conservation of biodiversity. She is a full member of Nature and Health Alliance, associated researcher at IEA-USP and expert member of IUCN-WCPA. Wildlife and conservation photographer.
Pedro Hartung is a lawyer and researcher in children's and adolescents' rights. He holds a doctorate in State Law from USP and was a Researcher at the Graduate Program and the Child Advocacy Program at Harvard Law School and the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg. He is director at Instituto Alana and professor at the Faculty of International Relations at FGV/SP and co-founder of Advocacy HUB, with more than 15 years of experience in advocacy strategies in the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and International Organizations.
Denise is a physician who graduated from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo. She is a pediatrician with specializations in Pediatric Oncology, Palliative Medicine, and Psycho-oncology. She worked for 10 years in the field and, in 2014, completed a postgraduate course in Foundations of Integrative Medicine and Wellness, shifting to the area of health promotion and well-being of employees since then. She completed training in Hatha Yoga at the Institute of Teaching and Research in Yoga and training in the Culture of Peace and Coexistence Technologies from the Palas Athena Association. She loves being connected with nature and believes in human relationships to promote health and well-being.
Roberto is a management graduate from FGV-EAESP (São Paulo-Brazil) with an MBA from the London Business School. With experience as a strategic consultant at McKinsey & Co, as well as working for Nubank and Amazon, he has been involved in several impact projects, playing multiple roles throughout his career.
fiscal Board
Fernando holds a degree in Economics from the Universidade de São Paulo and a master's degree in Public Administration from University College London (UCL). He has worked for the Government of Ceará, the City of São Paulo, and was Director of Science, Technology, and Innovation for the State of São Paulo. In the private sector, he was the first Head of Government Affairs for Salesforce in Brazil.
Pedro holds a bachelor’s degree in Computational Applied Mathematics with a focus on Animal Health from Universidade de São Paulo, and is a Specialist in Analytics from Itaú BBA, with significant experience in financial and legal restructuring projects. With over 10 years of experience in the financial market, he has worked at Santander and Banco GM. Additionally, Pedro runs a philanthropic project aimed at teaching programming to children aged 6 to 14 (Kipro).
Ádamo holds a degree in Economics from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco and in Accounting from UniFBV Wyden (PE), with an MBA in Corporate Finance from IBMEC. With more than a decade of experience in consulting, he has mainly worked on corporate finance projects for multinational companies. His work has taken him to projects in various countries, including the United States, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Portugal. In recent years, he has focused on projects in the public and private health sectors, having worked with the Consulting Team at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (SP).